The most powerful part of communication is not what you say. Words are what you give to the listener, but power is not something a speaker can give away. Power is something the listener feels for themselves. Continue reading 8 Powers of the Pause
Author: Michael
Something About a Sitcom Grabs Attention
The most watched broadcast on TV is the Superbowl. Do you know what is the second most watched show?
Myth-buster: Like um, ya know …
Uuummm, um, ummm! No, this is not a Gregorian chant. This is what you sound like when you don’t know what to say next. Continue reading Myth-buster: Like um, ya know …
What if I Don’t …
I want you to go on stage and burp. Go on stage and scream. Go on stage and act like a clown. No, I’ve never said that, but based on the reaction I get, some people feel like I’m actually asking them to go on stage naked.
Hillary Hijinks: DNC Manipulation 2016
As promised, here’s my analysis of the Democrats attempts to persuade. Hillary is in trouble.
Trump Savvy: RNC Manipulation 2016
I promised months ago to show you how this year’s presidential candidates are trying to manipulate you. Let’s quickly dissect some highlights of the 2016 Republican National Convention. Continue reading Trump Savvy: RNC Manipulation 2016
The Anxiety Antidotes
Stage fright. Are you ever afraid you’ll forget something important? Or feel like you can’t come up with quite the right words? Or feel like your thoughts are all over the place?
Speaking anxiety is not a disease. Continue reading The Anxiety Antidotes
No Contact Eye Contact
I’m going to give you a new way to think about eye contact that helps you and your listeners feel more comfortable.
The Power of NO Money
Money changes everything. You already know that. “NO money” changes everything even more. If you want to be persuasive, you want to be on the side of “NO money.” Continue reading The Power of NO Money
Conversation Resuscitation
Have you ever unintentionally offended anyone? Have people ever misunderstood you? Have you ever felt like you’re forcing the conversation? All three problems have the same solution–conversational preventative resuscitation (CPR).